  • Admissions to

    Sparkenhoe Community School


Nursery (Foundation 1) part time (15 hours) or full time (30 hours).

Parents may register a child when they have reached the age of two years. Children are admitted to the Nursery (Foundation Stage 1), after their 3rd birthday, if spaces are available. Parents may express a preference for a morning or afternoon place, although this cannot be guaranteed. Admission to the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school at the age of 4 years.

If you would like your child to join our Nursery in September, please email the school office or complete the application form and email it to office@sparkenhoe.leicester.sch.uk.

Nursery Places 

Children can start Nursery in the September after their 3rd birthday or in the January after their 3rd birthday if their are spaces. We offer morning or afternoon places. We also offer some 30 hour full-time places for working parents who are eligible or parents who wish to pay for the extra 15 hours. Please contact school if you have any questions.

Nursery Application Form

Foundation 1 Admission

Admission to all other year groups.

All statutory admissions arrangements for children aged 4 at the beginning of September are managed by our Local Authority, which is Leicester City Council.

We cannot accept applications to our school for admissions to Foundation 2 or above. To apply to come to our school you must apply on line at:

Leicester Schools Admissions Team

0116 454 1009

For further information about starting school, first time admissions, in year transfers and starting secondary school, please visit the LA's School Admissions website.

We welcome visits to our school. Where arranged, a senior member of staff will provide a guided tour and answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information.

Application Form

ALT Admissions Policy